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Beyond Freedom Part 2 – 04: We Are All Connected

Brent Payne August 22, 2024

Some are more directed than others, but no thought enters the universe without leaving some effect.

We have learned that thoughts are energy. And, we know that energy never dies, it is only transformed. So, where do thoughts go? How are they transformed? Using the power of relaxed, yet focused thoughts, the subconscious mind is able to send and receive thoughts that connect us all.

Have you ever felt like you could read somebody’s mind or known what someone was going to say before they said it? In all probability, you did read their mind. The sensitive receiver in your subconscious picked up their message because their thought energy was strong and directed.

Every single thought is beamed from the subconscious into the buzzing hub of the universe, the library of all known knowledge. That is why positive thought is so important.

Think of it this way. If a factory is belching smoke into the air in Michigan, eventually it will make the air less breathable in China. It’s the same with thoughts. The more positive thoughts we contribute to the great collective, the better off we all become.


Think of the universe as a great bank. Every time you have a positive thought, the bank puts a buck into your account. And, each time you let a negative thought or action into your mind, the bank withdraws a dollar. What would your account look like? In either case it is good to keep a ledger. So in your journal, you are going to add up the day’s totals.

Since it is too difficult to account for each thought, we are going to account for each action. Give yourself $5 for every good or positive action of the day. Subtract $5 from any activity that was based in negativity. Now, be honest. Was this day typical? Did you do more nice things today because you knew you were keeping track? Well, there’s no problem with that. Keep it up. Each thought and every action counts.