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Beyond Freedom (Free Bonus)

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Beyond Freedom Part 1 – 04: Some Simple Truths

Brent Payne August 21, 2024

To begin living a fulfilling life, we first have to understand some simple truths. When we commit

ourselves to excellence, and we do whatever’s necessary to bring about the best in our lives, then remarkable changes take place. You can literally change your reality by the hour. By the minute. By the moment.

Within your mind is all your knowledge. We’ll call it what you know. It is an immense amount of information. What you know is not simply book learning. It’s everything you’ve ever

learned – from tying bows on your shoes to balancing your checking account. It includes all your experiences, feelings and observations – everything from the best steak house in town to the fact that ladybugs are cute and harmless.

There’s also a whole lot of information that you know you don’t know, but, you at least are aware that this information exists – Einstein’s Theory of Relativity, Babe Ruth’s lifetime batting average, or the reason for the Peloponnesian Wars. As immense an amount of information you have stored in the “what you know” category, there’s much, much more in the “what you don’t know” file.

Finally, there is the information that you don’t even know you don’t know. You’ve never even heard about it. The amount of information in this category is mind-boggling. But most

importantly, it’s within this body of knowledge that your ultimate success is located.

For most of us, life could be a bed of roses if only we knew how and where to find the exact information required to live out our fondest dreams, and how to utilize that information once we found it.

There is no magic pill. But that doesn’t mean there is no magic.

The knowledge we require is out there. And believe it or not, the knowledge required to find it is within us, right inside our heads.

For everyone, the path to this knowledge is different. For anyone who truly wants it, it is there.

We are all on a journey. BEYOND FREEDOM simply directs you along the way.

Remember, everything in the universe affects everything else. The universe is dynamic. Alive and very connected.