Energy is everything and everything is energy.
That is more than just a catchy phrase. It’s full of meaning. If you could look through the most powerful electron microscope and examine a rock, you would see a perfect example. The closer you’d look at the rock, the more movement you would begin to see. Eventually, matter is broken down into atoms. The rock becomes a swirling, orbiting mass of constantly moving atomic energy. It is the same for every single thing. In their most basic forms, all objects, all people, all things are nothing more than energy.
Thoughts are also energy. Physics teaches, “like energy attracts.” It means one type of energy is drawn to a similar type of energy. So, positive thoughts attract positive energy. And, of course, negative thoughts attract more negative energy. You’ve seen it happen.
It takes a gentleman to suffer ignorance and smile.
– Sting
If you are a cynical, angry, negative person now, take a look at what negativity has brought into your life. Can you honestly say, “The more negative I am, the better my life becomes?”
Describe the qualities of people overflowing with positive energy.
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Describe the traits of super negative people.
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Why would anyone consciously choose to be in the second group? They don’t sound like any fun to be with or around. The positive people are leaders. They set examples. They don’t have time
to complain. They are too busy moving forward with rewarding activities.
Do yourself, and the world, a favor. Blanket yourself in positive thoughts and positive energy. Just that single effort could change your life from one of frustration and anger to one filled with optimism and opportunity.
Remember, it’s easier to see what is wrong in the world than truly appreciate what is right. It may take some training, but start by seeing what you want for yourself and those you love and simply expect it to happen.
Start your day with a Positive Energy Activator. Take a few moments three times a week to jot out a quick note or card. Two or three sentences are enough. It is important that it is handwritten, and not an email or phone call. It is a personal note.
It must be a physical object expressing your feelings of positive energy. You’ll see that people hold onto these little expressions like they are treasures.
You will be writing these notes three times a week. Write them to anyone
who you’d like to give encouragement, thanks, advice, or just to say, “I miss you.” Drop the note off at the post office, deliver it to a mailbox or leave it in an envelope on a desk. It can be written to a business associate who has been impressive. Even a thank you note for a present or a recent dinner party will count. Make a gesture to someone who you’d like to know better, or an understanding missive to a friend who could use a kind word. Use your imagination.
Begin to line up your contact list. It will grow longer every day. During the next 90 days you may send out as many as 40 cards. And, you will be spreading a tangible example of positive energy.
Now, you should know that at first, people may not know what to make of your notes. We are not used to getting unsolicited support. They may be suspicious that you have ulterior motives. So, don’t get discouraged if you are not immediately contacted in return. But, you will be filling a vault with positive energy, much of which will be returned in unexpected ways. Your recipients will file away your gesture and look for a reason to do something nice in return, creating a cycle of positive energy.
Yes, this requires you to put yourself out there. You are making the effort to activate positive energy. If you are shy or don’t like to write, it is even more important to do this exercise. If you run out of people to contact, get creative. Remember old friends you haven’t spoken to in years. Write
o strangers, such as a congressman or a child from an orphanage. Send notes of encouragement
o anyone you admire. Repeat notes to the same people are allowed. Some lucky cardholders will ook forward to more. They may have a drawer full of them eventually. Think of how many people will keep them and read them and smile all over again.
Optimism is the faith that leads to achievement. Nothing can be done without hope and confidence.
– Helen Keller
If you search for the positive in life, positive energy will find you.
This is not just a saying. There are scientifically proven processes that show that this is true. One of them is the Reticular Activating System (RAS), a mechanism in our brains that preselects incoming sensory stimuli.
Your Reticular Activating System is actually a filter. With it, you can program yourself to allow specific, positive and useful information to enter your consciousness, all sorts of doors will begin to open.
Our conscious mind is able to sort through about 30,000 bits of information per second.
There’s much more than that coming at our senses at any given time, but 30,000 bits is more than enough information for us to be able to function. In effect, your subconscious mind is offering information on a need-to-know basis. Potentially dangerous situations are always red-tagged with emotion. That which is familiar or things you admire are almost always given priority.
For instance, if you’ve ever bought a car you will soon notice that everyone seems to be driving the same model. Or, you might have heard a new word or phrase, and suddenly it seems to be on everyone’s lips.
It seems that anything you’ve invested with emotion is fast-tracked to your brain. And, that goes for negative things as well. If you are really bothered by people cutting into line in front of you, then you will notice it happens all the time.
So, begin to program yourself to see good and there will be more good. If you are lacking in opportunities, know that opportunities abound. By noticing and feeling good about opportunities wherever they occur and to whomever they occur, you will be opening your RAS sensitivity to opportunities that may be tapping you on the shoulder.
Keep in mind that this important point. These techniques are a means of changing the way we approach life from the inside out. You may really, really want a new car. But that doesn’t mean you’ll get it. Crossing your fingers and hoping for a better life, pretty much guarantees you’ll never get it. We have to adjust the way we think first. It’s always a new way of thinking that comes first, before our circumstances ever change.
All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think, we become.
– Buddha