If you like your life and want to tweak it a little, goal setting is essential. If your life is due for sweeping changes, then goal setting is essential. Goal setting is simply essential for everyone.
Goals are the foundation of personal growth. They represent the journey and the destination.
In soccer or hockey you get it into the net and it is a goal. It is both the process of playing the game and the object to winning the game.
Without goals you can live a nice life. But good luck. Better hope the winds of fate just happen to blow you toward a sheltered port in the inevitable storm. Still, you have to ask yourself, why bob on the water aimlessly when you can trim the sails and set a course that’s direct and true.
I’m always amazed at the number of people I meet who tell me they have never had a goal in their lives. Never once set a goal. I get excited about introducing them to the concept, because I know that with goals, they can make huge strides in their lives.
With goals, every sunrise can mark a new beginning. The only question is where to start?
Well, you’ve already started. Earlier you jotted down a couple of paragraphs detailing your ideal life. Why not create goals that get you there? So, now let’s devise a series of steps that will help take you to your ideal life. Each step is a goal.
Let’s pause for a second. You may be one of those folks whose eyes glaze over about now. Self- help books are always hyping goals aren’t they? You may not like the added structure in your life. Too much pressure. You want to live free and easy.
All we can say is please stay with us. We’re not going to hold your feet to the fire by forcing you to commit to an enormous goal you’ll never reach. It’s a process. We take it one step at a time. Remember, you are setting your own goals. This is a game you can win.
Let’s start by getting your feet wet with a small goal. It’s stunning how easy and satisfying it can be. The following goal is one that’s beneficial even if you’ve been a goalsetter your entire life.
Your goal today is to call, talk or write to a person who has recently or ever assisted you in any way. Let them know how much you appreciate their help, advice, compliment, present or deed. Your time frame is by the end of the day today.
Take out a piece of paper or your BEYOND FREEDOM sticky notes and write your goal.
I am calling “so and so” to express my appreciation by the end of today. When you’ve accomplished your goal, please feel free to put a big check mark across the goal. You’ve done it. Mission accomplished. Notice how empowered you feel. Notice the touching reaction you probably got from the person you contacted? Win-win.
How does an ant eat an elephant? One bite at a time. How does a person totally transform their life? By achieving one small goal after another. You have now taken a step toward success. With every goal achieved you gain that much more power and momentum. The key is to keep stretching further with each new goal.
Choose a goal wisely. It should be a part of an overall plan. It should reflect your heartfelt passion and your vision for the future. If you’re not sure what you want out of life, then it’s time to take inventory.
Let’s talk about the proper way to set goals.
- Short-term goals of one day, one week or one month should be pretty straightforward.It should be probable that they can be achieved within the time frame you set.
- Medium-term goals, anywhere from ninety days to six months, require a little stretching.Approach the upper limits of your comfort zone, bordering on your failure zone.
- Long-termgoalsofayearormorearesettochallengeyourcurrentbeliefsystem.Thesegoalsshouldscareyou.You’llhavenoideahowtoaccomplishthesegoals.
When a young bird is pushed from the nest for the first time, it has no idea how to fly. But with the ground rushing up, the bird starts furiously flapping its wings and a little miracle happens. Once you get off the ground and attain a long-term goal, immediately set another long-term goal. Your new view of the horizon will look a whole lot different.
- Goalsaremeasurableandspecific.Theymusthaveacompletiondate.Ifyourgoalistobuy anewcar,forinstance,yourgoalwouldincludethemakeandmodel,options,eventhe colorinsideandout.Testdrivethecarandperhapsevensnapapictureofyourselfbehind thewheel.Knowexactlywhatitwillcostandtellthesalespersonthedateyouwillbebacktotakepossession.
- Write goals in the present tense as if it is actually happening at the time of your writing. For example, here is a 5-year goal for a 28-year-old single man: I am moving into a modern, three- bedroom home I just purchased with my gorgeous, loving wife. The big yard is a great place for our two young children to play.
- Worktowardyourgoalsuntilthelastminuteofthelasthourofyourdeadline.Thisisof supremeimportance.Itisnotuncommonforaseriesofgoalenablingeventstofallinto placeattheverylastpossibleminute.Evenifitappearsallhopeislost,nevergiveup.
- Time has run out. Once in awhile it happens.You didn’t accomplish your goal. A littledisappointment is natural, but always remember, striving for a goal is every bit asimportant as its ultimate achievement. Review your steps. Determine what could have been done differently to assist in setting your next goal. Don’t be discouraged.Acknowledge the progress and congratulate yourself for the effort you put forth.
You can’t win them all.
- Don’tforceit.Itisamistaketo“trytoohard.”Relax,concentrateandfocusontheprocessofachievingyourgoal.Beawareofthedesiredresultbutdonotobsessontheoutcome.Performthenecessarystepswithconfidenceandfaithinyourpursuitofthegoal.Literallyseethegoalachievedasifitwasdestined.Butremoveyourselfslightlyfromtheend result.Excessiveemotionalattachmenttoresultscanactuallyundercutyourprogresstowardachievement.
Set your short-term, medium-term and long-term goals. Write them out on your BEYOND FREEDOM goal cards. Keep them with you. Write about them in your journal. Refer to them at least once every morning and once before bedtime.
By setting a goal with a grand purpose or an inspired or lofty achievement, your mind is forced to race beyond its normal boundaries.