Day 83: What Kind (Part 2)

Kindness cannot be just a one-hour, one-day game. It should be endless and consuming. Review your VimBoard goals, and, in your Be Serene spot, meditate…

Day 82: What Kind (Part 1)

Your challenge today is to plan and perform a concerted hour of kindness. Pick a place typically full of people, a mall, a park or…

Day 68: Be A Toxic Avenger (Part 1)

Your assignment is to become a Toxic Avenger in your home. Remove your toxins and start using their healthy alternatives. (Such as – hand soaps…

Day 54: Be A Beholder

Your assignment: Appreciate art today. Art is everywhere. In museums, in clouds, in chairs, and in dust bunnies. See the art around you and talk…

Day 27: I Go, You Go, Ego (Part 2)

We all exhibit moments of narcissism. Go to your Be Serene spot and meditate on your narcissistic actions in the past. Break them down and…

Day 26: I Go, You Go, Ego (Part 1)

Today, look for a moment where you are a beneficiary of some largesse or good fortune. Instead of taking it for yourself, pay it forward.…

Day 13: What’s Your Intention (Part 2)

Your exercise is to harness the group power of intention. Go to Lynne McTaggart’s website ( and participate in one of her organized weekly global…