Day 200: Be It Resolved (Part 2)

Yesterday, you selected a goal and turned your thoughts about that goal into intentions with the force of your resolve. How did that go? Could…

Day 199: Be It Resolved (Part 1)

For today, you’re going to test your resolve. Go to your Be Serene spot and pick a VimBoard goal. Think about it and write down…

Day 186: The Good Life (Part 2)

Yesterday, we meditated on our signature strengths – our virtues. Today, take a look at all of your VimBoard goals and determine how those signature…

Day 185: The Good Life (Part 1)

For today’s exercise, go to your Be Serene spot and meditate on your signature strengths. What are they? How often do you call upon them?…

Day 172: Spin This (Part 2)

Yesterday’s exercise was to list things you don’t like – contrasts. Today, look at your VimBoard goals and identify contrasts that relate to each goal.…

Day 171: Spin This (Part 1)

Your Be Focused exercise is to identify your contrasts in life. Observe things that happen today and make a list of 50 or more things…