Day 282: X Marks the Spot (Part 2)

Yesterday, we took a look at one of our short-term goals and created an X-spot. Today, create at least three X-spots that you’ll take toward…

Day 281: X Marks the Spot (Part 1)

Create X-spots for one of the short-term goals on your VimBoard today. For example, if one of your goals is to eat healthier, actually shop…

Day 268: Selfed Out (Part 2)

Yesterday, you made your goals SMART. Today, make a conscious effort to change to a positive direction for your unconscious, break the habits you need…

Day 267: Selfed Out (Part 1)

Take a look at your VimBoard goals and make sure your plans to achieve them are SMART. Make any changes you have to make and…

Day 254: Specifically What? (Part 2)

Yesterday we reflected on our Be Specific exercises. Today, we’re going to act. Pick one of the previous exercises and do a “do-over.” Watch the…