Track Time!

Innovator and Apple founder, Steve Jobs wrote, “That’s been one of my mantras – focus and simplicity. Simple can be harder than complex: You have…

To-do list. To-don’t list. Ta-da!

Everyone has a to-do list that they love checking off or just dread looking at every morning. But, what we really need is a “to-don’t”…

A Walk in the Park

Bird watchers amble through a field observing their surroundings in detail to find that elusive new species. After the Edward Snowden affair, German citizens planned…

The Flip Side

Both opportunistic action and strategic planning can help you achieve all of your goals. Yesterday, you evaluated your past experiences with missed opportunities and thought…

Be Totally Fly

Thomas Edison stated, “Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work.” For today’s exercise, think back to…

Create “My Personal Warning Sign”

What is your personal warning sign? What is the thing or things that sidetrack you and make you unproductive? Is it daydreaming? Gazing out the…

Warning. Danger. Caution.

Shakespeare wrote, “I wasted time, and now doth time waste me.” Is your to-do list cluttered with trivial, unimportant chores? Do you find yourself second-guessing…